9h00-10h00: first rotation
10h00 – 10h30: break
10h30-11h30: second rotation
11h30-12h30: third rotation
Ankle – Return to sport tests
Maxime Gard
Using RTS psychological questionnaires
Laurence Chappuis
Re-athletisation: a bridge between rehabilitation and performance
Patrick Flaction
Romain Leuenberger
1:30 pm – 5:45 pm
Annual General Meeting
RTS after muscle injury: what’s at stake in dance?
Véronique Lugrin
RTS and Achilles tendinopathy: just a question of pain?
Yoann Demangeot
Psychological intervention methods for RTS – presentation of a specific tool: brainspotting
Laurence Chappuis
Beyond RTS phases and criteria – Athletes’ journey and their needs
Caroline Bolling
RTS inguinal pain – from diagnosis to performance
Diego Stadelmann
Return to sport after ACL reconstruction – Should the rules of the game be rewritten?
Florian Forelli
Training credits for morning workshops:
Training credits for the afternoon symposium:
You can now register for our spring symposium on the theme of “Back to sport”, to be held in Lausanne (VD).
As usual, registration for morning workshops is limited to 60 places.
Inscriptions pour la matinée d’atelier sur le thème “Retour au Sport”
Inscriptions pour l’après-midi du symposium sur le thème “Retour au Sport”
Inscriptions pour l’assemblée générale prévue lors du symposium du 10.04, récapitulant l’année 2024