09:30 – 12:30
Core training in practice – Michaël DUC
Functional assessment of the pelvic floor – Biljana KENNAWAY
Examination of the spine – Maximilian SCHINDLER
1:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Welcome address
The athlete’s core: views from the pelvic floor – Biljana KENNAWAY
Training the core to prepare it for the constraints of sport – Michaël DUC
To flex or not to flex? Why conventional wisdom on spinal posture in object lifting is flawed – Stefan SCHMIDT
The power of physical activity: a journey from kidney transplantation to the World Transplant Games – Lieselotte SCHOEMAKER
Sports cardiology pearls for clinicians – Aaron BAGGISH
Guest lecture 10 years: “Taking care of body and core” – Boris GOJANOVIC
Hall of Fame costume party! Get ready in your finest costumes of past and present sporting glories!
Training credits for morning workshops:
General internal medicine (SSMIG): 3 credits
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (SSMPR): 3 credits
Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEMS): 3 credits
Chirosuisse: requested
Physioswiss: requested
Training credits for the afternoon symposium:
General internal medicine (SSMIG): 3 credits
Physical medicine and rehabilitation (SSMPR): 3 credits
Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEMS): 3 credits
Chirosuisse: requested
Physioswiss: requested
To round off our series of symposia on the arm, leg and head of the sportsman, you can now register for our sportsman’s core day.
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re offering – for those who decide to stay overnight – an introduction to orienteering on Saturday morning, followed by an aperitif.
IMPORTANT: If you’d like to take part in the Saturday activity, you’ll need to select a package (limited to 60 for package 2) and add a night’s accommodation in a single or double room, as you prefer! Remember to add both items to your basket before confirming your registration!
Chalet RoyAlp Hôtel & Spa, Route du Col de la Croix, Villars-sur-Ollon, Suisse